• Ready for review
  • Inform of Impacted Dependent Services

    Both voluntary and involuntary service changes can have an impact to their associated services due to their dependencies. The customer needs to be aware of such impact in order to take action.

    The airline needs to inform the seller, which in turn should inform the customer, when a dependant service is impacted by a change and action is needed. The change can be:

    • Customer initiated (via a Seller)

    • Non-Seller initiated

    Customer Initiated (via a Seller)



    Airline informs the seller, for each reshop offer, if an associated service will be impacted as a result of the requested change to an order. The effect on the service is clearly stated.


    Seller informs the customer for each reshop offer if an associated service will be impacted.


    Customer accepts the impact of the offer and continue with the order update, or reshop with new knowledge (i.e., include affected service in reshop).

    Non-Seller Initiated



    Airline informs the seller of change to an order that impacted an associated service, including follow up actions when applicable.


    Seller informs the customer that a service has been impacted by an change and presents available follow up actions if necessary.


    In case of involuntary changes, Customer accepts airline-initiated change, or declines it and chooses to Cancel or Reshop the order (Reshop may or may not lead to additional payment).


    <Service> <DeliveryStatusCode>CONFIRMED</DeliveryStatusCode> <OrderServiceAssociation> <PaxSegmentRef> <PaxSegmentRefID>PAXSEG-01</PaxSegmentRefID> </PaxSegmentRef> </OrderServiceAssociation> <PaxRefID>PAX-01</PaxRefID> <ServiceID>SVC-01</ServiceID> <StatusCode>CONFIRMED</StatusCode> </Service> <Service> <DeliveryStatusCode>CONFIRMED</DeliveryStatusCode> <OrderServiceAssociation> <ServiceDefinitionRef> <OrderFlightAssociations> <PaxSegmentRef> <PaxSegmentRefID>PAXSEG-01</PaxSegmentRefID> </PaxSegmentRef> </OrderFlightAssociations> <ServiceDefinitionRefID>SVCDEF-01</ServiceDefinitionRefID> </ServiceDefinitionRef> </OrderServiceAssociation> <PaxRefID>PAX-01</PaxRefID> <ServiceID>SVC-02</ServiceID> <ServiceRefID>SVC-01</ServiceRefID> <StatusCode>CONFIRMED</StatusCode> </Service>