Seller Follow-up Actions
When an airline informs seller about a particular change to the Order via OrderChangeNotifRQ, there may or may not be seller follow-up actions that the airline wants the seller to perform.
If there are no seller follow-up actions that the airline wants the seller to perform, then no seller follow up actions will be return in the OrderChangeNotifRQ.
If the airline expects the seller to perform at least one follow-up action, this is sent via the OrderChangeNotifRQ and may also include:
the time limit by which it expects such action from the seller;
the consequence of not performing such action;
a weblink for more information regarding the follow up action and how to contact the airline.
If there are any pending follow-action(s) to be performed by the seller, these actions details will be return in the OrderViewRS.
Following are seller follow-up actions and their expectations from an airline point of view:
Airline expects the seller to send an acceptance to the change performed.
Seller will accept the change.
Airline provides an option to reshop if the change performed by the airline is not matching the customer’s expectation.
If the seller chooses this option, seller will request modification of the order to perform these changes.
Airline provides an option to cancel if the change performed by the airline is not matching the customer’s expectation.
If the seller chooses this option, seller will request modification of an Order (cancellation) to perform these changes.
Contact Airline
Airline is expecting the seller to contact it offline.
Reprice and Accept
Following waitlist confirmation, Airline requests seller to reprice the order item for the confirmed services.
Seller will reprice orderitem.