This document describes the structure of Order, OrderItems, Services and relevant data directly associated with these items. This document will clarify the use of Status elements at these three levels and define what their characteristics are.
Order Types
An Order is a list of products/services that Customer(s) intend to buy or bought. An Order is composed of two main element structures: one or more OrderItem elements and, within these, one or more Service elements. Below is a basic illustration of an Order structure, including some additional key data elements:
Order Statuses
Order status could be:
OPENED: This is the initial status after an Order has been created. The Order should remain OPENED for as long as at least one of the Services it contains still holds value. The determination of whether a Service still holds value or not will depend on its delivery status.
CLOSED: Final status of an Order. The Order reaches this status when all its OrderItems are either CLOSED or CANCELLED and all its services have been either DELIVERED or REMOVED. This means that the Order does not hold any value anymore.
An OrderItem represents the product that the customer intends to purchase or has already purchased. It is where the price is defined and it is unbreakable. An OrderItem should have at least one Service, each Service being associated to a single passenger. An OrderItem has an associated OrderItemID that is not standardized currently but still unique within the Order.
Each OrderItem is created from a corresponding OfferItem. As such an OrderItem is also a representation of the set of Service(s) collectively evaluated for pricing.
OrderItem Statuses
OrderItem statuses are described below, the status of the OrderItem is either:
ACTIVE: This is the initial status of an OrderItem. An OrderItem should remain ACTIVE as long as at least one of the Services it contains still holds value. The determination of whether a Service still holds value or not will depend on its delivery status.
CANCELLED: An OrderItem should reach the CANCELLED status when all of its services have been either cancelled or transferred, and none of the Services hold value, as the result of a change or cancellation.
CLOSED: An OrderItem will be considered CLOSED when at least one of the services' DeliveryStatus
is set to DELIVERED and all other services’ DeliveryStatuses
have been set to either DELIVERED or REMOVED. This status implies that the item is no longer holding any value.
Ordered Services
One or multiple deliverable Services, each associated to one passenger, and contained in a OrderItem. An Ordered Service should be the lowest level of granularity which can be delivered independently – thus by definition it should not be possible for an Ordered Service to be partially delivered.
In contrast with Offered Services (Services within an OfferItem), Ordered Services do not group references to Passengers and related flights together.
While a single Offer Service can reference multiple Passengers and flight Segments, Order Services multiply more granularly, as they can only reference one Passenger and one flight Segment. This precision is later needed for fulfillment tracking and accounting.
Note that each OfferItem always becomes a single OrderItem, therefore the change in granularity only happens at the Service level. The diagram below illustrates the transition between an Offer and an Order at time of Order creation, using two Passengers travelling round-trip from JFK to CDG via LHR with ancillaries on only certain Segments:
Service Status
CONFIRMED: This is one of the initial status of a Service after the associated OfferItem proposing this service has been accepted by the Seller and the Airline has created the respective OrderItem and allocated the Service to the customer. A service should keep this status until it is TRANSFERRED to a new OrderItem in a change or it is CANCELLED.
CANCELLED: A service should get this status when the OrderItem that contains it has been cancelled whether by an airline or seller initiated action. Please note that even when a service has been cancelled, it can still hold value. This will be determined thanks to its delivery status.
TRANSFERRED: A Service should get the status TRANSFERRED when it has been moved from one OrderItem to another. The Service in the original OrderItem (i.e. where it was created) should have the TRANSFERRED status. Please note that DELIVERED services should also be TRANSFERRED to new Order Items to ensure the Order can be balanced at all times. Note that the ServiceID should remain unchanged when the Service has been transferred.
REQUESTED: Airline is in the process of confirming or not the service to the customer.
WAITLISTED: Airline acknowledges the waitlist request from the Seller and Airline will confirm if service becomes available later.
Service Delivery Status
CONFIRMED: A Service should get a CONFIRMED delivery status when the airline is able to provide the service but is still expecting to receive a payment for this service. In a general sense, the airline should inform the seller until when such payment can be received by including a Payment Time Limit in the response.
READY TO PROCEED: A Service should be considered READY TO PROCEED when the airline is in a position to prepare the delivery of the service and has already received payment for it. Typically, airlines should notify their accounting at this stage.
DELIVERED: This status denotes that the service has been successfully DELIVERED by the airline.
REMOVED HOLD VALUE: A Service should get the REMOVED HOLD VALUE status when the OrderItem where it is contained has been cancelled and the value of this Service is held by the airline in this same service and can be reused by the seller in the future.
REMOVED: A Service is in REMOVED status when it has been cancelled and its monetary value is no longer stored in this Service.
UNABLE TO DELIVER: It is not possible for the Delivery Provider to deliver a Service. This could be for reasons of availability, legal or regulatory constraint.
EXPIRED: Service is no longer available for delivery. Service purchased with an associated time limit for consumption and Service was never claimed. Service having been at least Confirmed is no longer available as the Customer did not claim the Service within a specific time period, as dictated by the Airline.
FAILED TO DELIVER: Service could not be delivered due to Airline's or provider limitations.
IN PROGRESS: The Delivery Provider is in the process of delivering the Service. There is a universal concept that the 'In progress' status may block any further financial transactions (e.g., refund).
NOT CLAIMED: The Service has not been claimed by the Passenger for reasons as a result of Passenger action or inaction (e.g., Passenger no-show, etc.).
READY TO DELIVER: Provider is in a position to start delivery of the Service.
REQUESTED: OM requests the Service from the Inventory owner.
SUSPENDED: Delivery of the Service is suspended as a result of an Airline decision. Can only revert back to the previous status. Exception is that Suspended may go to Removed. This status may be used in case of fraud detection.
Viewing an Order
In principle, the view of an Order will return all relevant information to the Seller of all ACTIVE and CLOSED OrderItems. However, the level of detail returned may differ depending on the actions that took place previous to the view. In some cases, it will also return information of CANCELLED OrderItems:
Viewing the initial Order created (i.e. OrderViewRS in response of OrderCreateRQ):
The initial Order will contain the OrderItems corresponding to the selected OfferItems. Additionally, depending if the Order was paid (fully or not) it may include information such as PaymentTimeLimit(s) and PaymentFunctions that allow to easily recognize this.
Viewing an Order resulting of a payment transaction (i.e. OrderViewRS in response of OrderChangeRQ):
It is possible to pay for unpaid OrderItems using OrderChangeRQ. As a result of the transaction, the view of the Order will be updated to include the PaymentProcessingSummary reflecting the payment transaction(s) that took place and will include the related Payment Statuses. For more information, please refer to Payment Concepts.
Viewing an Order resulting of a change or cancellation (i.e. OrderViewRS in response of OrderChangeRQ):
It is possible to accept the change or cancellation of OrderItems within an Order using OrderChangeRQ. The immediate resulting view will contain the information on the ACTIVE (i.e. unmodified or added), CLOSED and CANCELLED (i.e. deleted) OrderItems in the previous transaction. For more information please refer to https://standards.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EASD/pages/574455971.
Retrieving an Order (i.e. OrderViewRS in response of OrderRetrieveRQ):
It is possible to retrieve an Order at any point in time after its creation using OrderRetrieveRQ. The view of the Order will contain the OrderItems depending on their status and respecting the data retention definition in Resolution 797 - ONE Order as follows:
As indicated in the general principle above, the view of an Order will always contain all OrderItems with an ACTIVE and CLOSED status.
In general, OrderItems with a CANCELLED status will not be returned. To comply with Resolution 797, the only exception is when ALL OrderItems are cancelled in the same transaction. In this case, they will still be returned when the Order is retrieved for the duration stipulated in the resolution.