Offer Conditions and Restrictions



This capability allows the Seller to display offer conditions/restrictions for a specified product (OfferItem). Conditions/restrictions to include at minimum details on changeability/refundability.


This capability allows an Airline to deliver offer conditions/restrictions for a specified product (OfferItem). Conditions/restrictions to include at minimum details on changeability/refundability.


Per process

  • Shopping – none

  • Pricing – There is an existing offer

  • Reshopping – There is an existing order

  • Order Quoting – There is an existing order, possible reshop offers


  • Shopping

    • A Seller has made a request for an offer(s) and the Airline returns resulting OfferItems include Offer Conditions and Restrictions

  • Pricing

    • A Seller has made a request for a priced offer and the Airline returns resulting OfferItems include Offer Conditions and Restrictions

  • Reshopping

    • A Seller has made a request for reshopping an order(s) and the Airline returns resulting OfferItems include Offer Conditions and Restrictions

  • Order Quoting

    • A Seller has made a request for priced order quote and the Airline returns resulting OfferItems include Offer Conditions and Restrictions

Post Condition


  • Offer Conditions and Restrictions received and displayed


  • Offer Conditions and Restrictions not received or not displayed

Relevant Messages

  • AirShoppingRS, 

  • OfferPriceRS, 

  • OrderReshopRS, 

  • ServiceListRS, 

  • SeatAvailabilityRS

Relevant Worked Examples


Certification Link

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