Shop For Flight



This capability allows the Seller to request from an Airline a set of Offers based on Origins, Destinations, and defined dates. The Seller may provide additional qualifiers and context which the Airline may consider in the content of the resulting offer(s).


This capability allows the Airline to give a set of offers based on Origins, Destinations, and defined dates. The airline will consider additional qualifiers and context in the process of calculating the resulting offers.


  • None


  1. Seller sends a shopping request with the origin(s) and destination(s) and travel dates and, at a minimum, specifying the PTC for each passenger.

    1. Seller may optionally provide additional qualifiers and context for the airline to consider

      1. E.g., Corporate ID when shopping for corporate customers, passenger’s loyalty program account

  2. Airline responds with list of Offers according to the origin/destination, dates and PTC criteria

    1. Airline may include, where possible, in each offer which additional qualifiers and context it considered

Post Condition


  • Seller is in receipt of airline offers


  • No offers are returned, resulting in an Error message.

  • Some of the requested offers are returned, resulting in a Warning within the response.

Relevant Messages

  • AirShoppingRQ/RS

Relevant Worked Examples