Tax Summary

Tax Summary


The Tax Summary and Tax Types are used to display tax information relating to the parent structure. The below examples show how Tax information can be represented in this structure.

Note that the Tax Summary Type contains properties such as AllRefundableInd, ApproximateInd, CollectionInd, TotalRefundableTaxAmount and TotalTaxAmount which may be a duplication of information summed in the TaxType. Where possible, it’s use and compute this desired information from the Tax Type as opposed to using the Tax Summary Information.

Minimum Information Required

As a minimum, when presenting Tax Information, the Airline shall send through the Amount, the Tax Code and the Name of the Tax.

<cns:TaxSummary> <cns:Tax> <cns:Amount CurCode="USD">10</cns:Amount> <cns:TaxCode>AA</cns:TaxCode> <cns:TaxName>Name of the Tax as per TTBS</cns:TaxName> </cns:Tax> <cns:Tax> <cns:Amount CurCode="USD">10</cns:Amount> <cns:TaxCode>AA</cns:TaxCode> <cns:TaxName>Name of the Tax as per TTBS</cns:TaxName> </cns:Tax> </cns:TaxSummary>


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