


This document describes the bundle concept as a retailing capability as opposed to the way it is constructed by the Offer creation processes.


The Airline is driving the offer construction and can decide to bundle services together with a single price. All conditions and attributes which only exist at OfferItem level therefore apply to all of the individual services of the OfferItem.

There is no “bundle indicator” required as this is implied in the OfferItem construction. Multiple services under the same OfferItem are tied together.

Flexible selection of Bundle items – so called "Pick M of N"

Within an Offer, the airline can make the proposal of a menu of bundled items for the seller/customer to select a subset of items desired. A single price is defined regardless of the selection being made.

This capability is leveraging the basic bundle representation described above. The list of options that are returned additionally includes the maximum number of services (expressed as a quantity) that the seller/customer could select.

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