Price Decimals
It is best practice for an airline to always send decimal places in the amount values for currencies defined in IATA Resolution 024d as having decimal points. The format should be in accordance with IATA Resolution 024d.
Currency with a decimal subdivision
Two Decimals
Example of TotalAmount using Pound Sterling (GBP) which is a currency specified with two decimals
<TotalAmount CurCode="GBP">10230.00</TotalAmount>
Three Decimals
Example of TotalAmount using Tunisian Dinar (TND) which is a currency specified with three decimals
<TotalAmount CurCode="TND">1234.000</TotalAmount>
Example of Currency without a decimal
Example of TotalAmount using Japanese Yen (JPY) which is a currency specified without a decimal
<TotalAmount CurCode="JPY">10230</TotalAmount>