Shop for Ancillaries

Shop for Ancillaries



This capability allows the Seller to request from an Airline a set of Services based on: 

  • OfferId

  • OrderId

  • Flight Details, passenger type and defined dates (PaxSegment)

The Seller may provide additional qualifiers and context which the Airline may consider in the content of the resulting offer(s).


This capability allows the Airline to provide a list of available services based on Flight details and defined dates. The airline may consider additional qualifiers and context in the process of calculating the resulting offers.


  • If the services are flight related they would need to be purchased in conjunction with a Flight service


  1. The Seller sends a shopping request with an OfferID, OrderID or PaxSegment information.

    1. The Seller may optionally provide additional qualifiers and context that the airline may consider. 

      1. E.g., Corporate ID when shopping for corporate customers, Airline Taxonomy codes

  2. The Airline responds with a list of Offers according to the OfferID, OrderID or PaxSegment information.

    1. The response may include which additional qualifiers and context, if included in the request, it considered or applied to each offer (or the offers)

      1. E.g., Corporate ID when shopping for corporate customers, Airline Taxonomy codes

Post Condition


  • Seller is in receipt of Offers for the available services. 


  • No services are returned 

Relevant Messages

  • AirShoppingRQ

  • AirShoppingRS

  • SeatAvailabilityRQ

  • SeatAvailabilityRS

  • ServiceListRQ

  • ServiceListRS 

  • OfferPriceRQ

  • OfferPriceRS

  • OrderReshopRQ

  • OrderQuoteRQ

  • OrderReshopRS

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