Construct Offer

Construct Offer

Supplier Offer creation

The Supplier will construct Offer(s) based on the received shopping request and each Offer can contain one or more Offer Items, where each Offer Item can include one or more Services.

The Supplier can return in the shopping response a set of rules and conditions specifying how the Offer should be used, processed, and combined by the Retailer as well as how the Offer could be retailed to the Customer. These conditions can be included in the Acceptance Rules for each OfferItem.

The Supplier will return for each Service a settlement value and settlement conditions.

Retailer Offer creation

When the Retailer receives the Supplier Offer(s), it will combine these with its own Products and Services and return final Offer(s) to the Customer.

The Retailer must respect the integrity of the Supplier Offer(s) as follows:

  • The Retailer cannot select partially an OfferItem and choose only individual Services from this Supplier Offer Item to include these in the final Offer to be presented to the Customer.

  • The Retailer must comply with other requirements shared by the Supplier as part of the Offer. For example, if the Supplier specify that the OfferItems are mandatory and needs to be selected together the Retailer must include each of these within the final Offer(s). (See example 2)

How the Offers are selected, processed, and combined by the Retailer in order to be further proposed to the Customer, is a proprietary decision and will be based on the Retailer’s Offer Management System capabilities and business decisions.

The Retailer may choose to include the Supplier services and its own within one Offer Item.


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3: Not allowed to combine service items from different OfferIemID's