


A fee is an additional component on top of the Base Amount used to describe various additional costs associated with the price.

A Fee with a Fixed Amount

A Fee that is fixed can be represented as below, noting that the ApproximateInd is set to false, there is a Code to programmatically describe the fee and a friendly description.

<cns:Fee> <cns:Amount CurCode="USD">10</cns:Amount> <cns:ApproximateInd>false</cns:ApproximateInd> <cns:DescText>A Fee Description</cns:DescText> <cns:DesigText>USC</cns:DesigText> <cns:RefundInd>true</cns:RefundInd> </cns:Fee>

An Approximate Fee

If a fee total cannot be determined at the time of display, the airline can return an approximate fee which is either an approximate value, or a percentage of the BaseAmount.

Snippet below shows an approximate fee between two bounds.

<cns:Fee> <cns:ApproximateInd>true</cns:ApproximateInd> <cns:DescText>A Fee Description</cns:DescText> <cns:DesigText>USD</cns:DesigText> <cns:MaximumAmount CurCode="USD">11</cns:MaximumAmount> <cns:MinimumAmount CurCode="USD">9</cns:MinimumAmount> </cns:Fee>

Snippet showing a percentage fee with optional min and max amounts also populated.

<cns:Fee> <cns:ApproximateInd>true</cns:ApproximateInd> <cns:DescText>A Fee Description</cns:DescText> <cns:DesigText>USD</cns:DesigText> <cns:MaximumAmount CurCode="USD">10</cns:MaximumAmount> <cns:MinimumAmount CurCode="USD">9</cns:MinimumAmount> <cns:Percent>1</cns:Percent> </cns:Fee>

Additional Features

Additionally, the fee structure can return the fee in the local currency, and note if the fee is refundable should the Order be cancelled. The Time Limit also signifies the time and date at which this fee is not guaranteed should this be in an Offer or an unconfirmed Order.


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