Shop For Replacement Services

Shop For Replacement Services



This capability allows the Seller to request a set of Offers as a replacement of specific OrderItem(s) that include flights or/and services. The request takes into account new Origins, Destinations and/or defined dates. The content of the resulting reshop Offers may depend on additional qualifiers and context that may be provided by the Seller.


This capability allows the airline to provide a set of Offers as a replacement of specific OrderItem(s) that include flights and/or services upon the seller request. The request takes into account new Origins, Destinations and/or defined dates. The content of the resulting reshop Offers may depend on additional qualifiers and context that may be provided by the Seller.


  • An order is created 


  1. In case of Flights, the seller sends a request to replace an existing Flight(s), using the OrderID and requesting new Origins, Destinations and/or defined dates plus optional qualifiers

  2. In case of Services, the seller sends a request for replacement of services based on an existing Order

  3. Or any combination of the above 1 and 2

Post Condition


  • Seller is in receipt of replacement offers


  • No replacement offers are returned, resulting in an Error message.

  • Some of the requested offers are returned, resulting in a Warning within the response.

Relevant Messages

  • OrderReshopRQ

  • OrderReshopRS

  • ServiceListRQ

  • ServiceListRS

  • SeatAvailabiltyRQ

  • SeatAvailabiltyRS

  • OrderQuoteRQ

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