Notification of Airline Initiated Change to an Order

Notification of Airline Initiated Change to an Order



The Seller is able to receive notification of the airline-initiated Order changes and acknowledge receipt of notification.


The airline is able to notify the Seller of the airline-initiated Order changes and receive the acknowledgement of receipt of notification from the seller.


  • An Order has been created.

  • An airline-initiated change to the Order has occurred.


  1. The Airline notifies the Seller of the airline-initiated change to the Order and, if applicable, any follow-up actions for the Seller.

  2. The Seller acknowledges receipt of the notification.

Post Condition


Notification is received and acknowledged. Possible follow-up actions performed by Seller.


  • Notification is not received or not acknowledged.

Relevant Messages

  • OrderChangeNotificationRQ

  • Acknowledgement

Relevant Worked Examples


Certification Link

Order changes initiated by the airlines with notifications