Payment Actors

Payment Actors


A payer is an entity that makes a payment to another entity. In the context of Enhanced and Simplified Distribution, this could be a customer, a seller or an airline. Among the most common interactions defined in this documentation, the payer will either be a customer or a seller.


A payee is an entity that receives a payment from another entity. In the context of Enhanced and Simplified Distribution, this could be a customer, a seller or an airline. Among the most common interactions defined in this documentation, the payee will either be a seller or an airline.


An intermediary is an entity that provides additional data required by a payee in order to complete payment. In the context of Enhanced and Simplified Distribution, this could be a payment service or a technology provider. Among the most common interactions defined in this documentation, the payment intermediary will be a technology provider working on behalf of a seller or an airline to facilitate customer payment.

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