Payment Preference

Payment Preference


A seller is able to communicate a number of preferences within their request for offers, for pricing or when requesting to create or change an order. Payment Preference is expressed using the PaymentMethodCriteria structure under PaymentFunctions. The following are a series of examples outlining its use.

Payment Preference at time of Shopping


A Seller can express a payment preference at time of shopping by populating PaymentMethodCriteria under Payment Functions. In the following example, the preference is for payment type "CA" which is defined as "Settle on account" from the codeset PAYT.

<cns:PaymentFunctions> <cns:PaymentMethodCriteria> <cns:PaymentTypeCode>CA</cns:PaymentTypeCode> <cns:PrefLevel> <cns:PrefLevelCode>Preferred</cns:PrefLevelCode> </cns:PrefLevel> </cns:PaymentMethodCriteria> </cns:PaymentFunctions>


An Airline returns accepted payment methods - the Payment Catalogue - using the PaymentSupportedMethod function. If a preference was expressed by a seller and the payment method is accepted by the airline, the airline will: 

  1. Associate the preferred payment method to offers

  2. Optionally return the other accepted methods unassociated

<cns:PaymentFunctions> <cns:OfferAssociation> <cns:OfferRefID>OfferID</cns:OfferRefID> <cns:OwnerCode>XB</cns:OwnerCode> </cns:OfferAssociation> <cns:PaymentSupportedMethod> <cns:PaymentTypeCode>CA</cns:PaymentTypeCode> </cns:PaymentSupportedMethod> </cns:PaymentFunctions>

Payment Preference at time of Pricing


A Seller can express a payment preference at time of pricing by populating PaymentMethodCriteria under Payment Functions. In the following example, the preference is for payment type "CC" which is defined as "Customer Card" from the codeset PAYT. Additional information can be used to provide extra precision which is necessary for determining, for example, an actual fee to be charged for payment processing. In this example, the type of card product, the type of card and the card ownership are all used.

<cns:PaymentMethodCriteria> <cns:PaymentBrandCode>VI</cns:PaymentBrandCode> <cns:PaymentTypeCode>CC</cns:PaymentTypeCode> <cns:PaymentCriteriaAddlInfo> <cns:PaymentCardCriteriaAddlInfo> <cns:CardProductTypeCode>consumer</cns:CardProductTypeCode> <cns:CardTypeText>debit card</cns:CardTypeText> </cns:PaymentCardAddlInfo> </cns:PaymentMethodAddlInfo> <cns:PrefLevel> <cns:PrefLevelCode>Preferred</cns:PrefLevelCode> </cns:PrefLevel> </cns:PaymentMethodCriteria>


An airline can return different levels of precision for a payment method depending on whether they are returning a catalogue or a detailed piece of information about a specific payment method. At time of pricing the airline can

  1. Associate the preferred payment method to offers

  2. Provide a precise value of a payment fee, if there is one

  3. Provide additional instructions relating to payment processing (such as a requirement to enact 3DS authentication)

  4. Optionally return the other accepted methods unassociated

In the following example, an airline has provided detailed requirements for processing a customer credit card as well as the exact fee to be charged for processing it.

Payment Preference at time of Ordering


A Seller should express a payment intent at time of Order Creation by populating PaymentMethodCriteria under Payment Functions, setting the preference level as "Required" and associating it to the Offer ID or to the OfferItemID(s) depending on whether all offers are requested to be purchased or not. 


An airline should respond with an order containing associations to the "Required" payment method. 


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