Payload Attributes

Payload Attributes


The Payload Attributes are used outside the context of the message to identify and group message sets for debugging purposes.

Payload Attributes Request and Response Elements

Transaction ID

A universally unique identifier used to identify a transaction set. The Transaction ID is used by the Seller to identify the outbound requesting message, the transaction ID is then echoed back by the receiving party in the response.

This allows for both systems to find the message pair (RQ/RS) if one message is present. For example, if the OrderViewRS returns an error, using the echoed back transaction ID, the requestor can find the request that caused that error using that same Transaction ID.


<iata:PayloadAttributes> <iata:TrxID>6379132c-6440-4bc1-b6ea-359b7222bfa7</iata:TrxID> </iata:PayloadAttributes>



<iata:PayloadAttributes> <iata:TrxID>6379132c-6440-4bc1-b6ea-359b7222bfa7</iata:TrxID> </iata:PayloadAttributes>


Correlation ID

A universally unique identifier used to identify a set of messages that were used together. The Correlation ID is generated by the Seller and echoed back by the Airline.

This is used to find all messages that led up to the point at which there was a potential failure or to understand how a message flow was implemented. For example, if an Order fails, the OrderViewRS will return a failure message and within the transaction element, the Correlation ID. By searching logs for that Correlation ID, all messages from AirShopping, OfferPrice and OrderCreate can be found and linked.


<iata:PayloadAttributes> <iata:CorrelationID>b1159451-0b7c-4da8-9926-86f48ec48ab6</iata:CorrelationID> <iata:TrxID>6379132c-6440-4bc1-b6ea-359b7222bfa7</iata:TrxID> </iata:PayloadAttributes>













The Language, or Locale is used to request a specific language preference for the responding message.

For example, a Seller requests the message response to be in French.

Or, Seller requests the response to be in Australian English.

The Airline responds with US English.



The sending or responding party may time stamp the message at the time that the message is ready for transmission.



Used for sending information to another party. Note that having the version of the message in the message provides no benefit, however this may be used for other bilateral purposes (such as an aggregator detailing a sourcing message version).

Retransmission ID

Used for recovering a failed transaction, by requesting the Airline to re-send the initial response if it recieved it.

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