

Supported Capabilities

1. Netting to compensate any new collection of fare and/or taxes with residual amount


For each change in fare and/or taxes values in a modification of an Order, the airline should inform the seller if fare and/or taxes are netted or not (i.e., residual amount from old OrderItem used to compensate amount of the new OfferItem/OrderItem).


  • An Order exists in the Airline’s Order Management System

  • Seller communicates intent to service partially or fully the order

  • Airline is applying netting process during servicing


  • Airline processes the reshop offers and identifies when netting of fare and/or taxes applies


  • OrderReshopRS explicitly describes at OfferItem level that fare and/or taxes are netted.

    • Net Indicator at offer item level set to true (NetInd in OfferItem)

    • The “DueByAirline” or “DueToAirline” amount is calculated and set correctly

  • OrderViewRS explicitly describes at OrderItem level that fare and/or taxes are netted.

    • Net Indicator at order item level set to true (NetInd in OrderItem)

    • The “DueByAirline” or “DueToAirline” amount is calculated and set correctly

2. Applying netting to compensate collection of penalty with fare residual amount only


If a change fee applies for modification of an Order, the airline should inform the seller if a residual fare amount can compensate the penalty, either fully or partially (i.e., residual amount of fare from old OrderItem was used to compensate a penalty amount before application to the new OfferItem/OrderItem).


  • An Order exists in the Airline’s Order Management System

  • A Change Fee exists for the OrderItem being reshopped

  • Seller communicates intent to service partially or fully the order

  • Airline is applying netting process during servicing


  • Airline processes the reshop offers and identifies when netting of fare against penalty applies


  • OrderReshopRS explicitly describes at penalty level that it has been netted.

    • Net Indicator at penalty level set to true (NetInd in Penalty)

    • The “DueByAirline” or “DueToAirline” amount is calculated and set correctly

  • OrderViewRS explicitly describes at penalty level that it has been netted.

    • Net Indicator at order item level set to true (NetInd in OrderItem)

    • The “DueByAirline” or “DueToAirline” amount is calculated and set correctly

3. Apply netting to compensate any new collection of fare and/or taxes and penalty with residual amount


For each change in fare and/or taxes values where a change fee may have applied for a modification of an Order, the airline should inform the seller if fare and/or taxes and/or penalty are netted or not (i.e., residual amount from old OrderItem used to compensate amount of the new OfferItem/OrderItem and penalty).


  • An Order exists in the Airline’s Order Management System

  • A Change Fee exists for the OrderItem being reshopped

  • Seller communicates intent to service partially or fully the order

  • Airline is applying netting process during servicing


  • Airline processes the reshop offers and identifies when netting of fare and/or taxes and/or penalty applies


  • OrderReshopRS explicitly describes at penalty level that it has been netted and at OfferItem level that fare and/or taxes are netted.

    • Net Indicator at penalty level set to true (NetInd in Penalty)

    • Net Indicator at offer item level set to true (NetInd in OfferItem)

    • The “DueByAirline” or “DueToAirline” amount is calculated and set correctly

  • OrderViewRS explicitly describes at penalty level that it has been netted and at OrderItem level that fare and/or taxes are netted.

    • Net Indicator at penalty level set to true (NetInd in Penalty)

    • Net Indicator at order item level set to true (NetInd in OrderItem)

    • The “DueByAirline” or “DueToAirline” amount is calculated and set correctly

Unsupported Capabilities

  • The netting process described above does not apply: 

  1. when a modification of an Order relates to a non-flight service under an Order Item with an EMD issued against it.

  2. when a modification of an Order relates to a flight service under an Order Item without a ticket issued against it.

  3. Between different Order Items belonging to the same order.

  4. Between different Order Items belonging to different orders.

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