

Term Name


Term Name



Role played by a user or any other system that interacts with the subject. Actor models a type of role played by an entity that interacts with the subject (e.g., by exchanging signals and data), but which is external to the subject.

Account Number

Unique string of characters that identifies the account ownership.


This is the agreement that is the foundation for the settlement being processed. In One Order and NDC this is the “Order”.


The organization which carries the passenger, baggage, or goods, and/or commits to delivering the carriage as well as any related services such as issuance of ticket, creation of Order, etc.


Any payment that is collected by the agent and settled between the airline and the agent. Refer to IATA Resolution 728 Attachment A for full details.


The delivery of funds from one party – the payer- to another party - the payee - to fulfil contractual obligations, i.e. commitment between the two parties.

Clearance Count

Count of the individual clearance transactions identified by unique Clearance ID that are part of the settlement or remittance money transfer, or transmitted in a batch.

Clearance ID

This is an identifier generated by the party requesting the clearance that uniquely identifies the clearance transaction. It provides the necessary link for financial audit connecting the sale to the financial records. This field is required because no other existing data elements could be used by the financial systems or could provide unique identification. The identifier is globally unique for the settlement by design.

Clearance Payee Reconciliation ID

Identifier provided by the Clearance Payee to support internal reconciliation processes. Once provided this identifier is used in all communications thereafter.

Clearance Payer Reconciliation ID

Identifier provided by the Clearance Payer to support internal reconciliation processes. Once provided this identifier is used in all communications thereafter.

Clearance Process Rule

IIt is a set of codes that defines how the Clearance Manager processes the Clearance​.

Clearance Status

Defines the progress of the individual transaction within the clearance process - has it been accepted, rejected, is it processed, settled or could have status “clawback”, “partially settled”, ‘final” or “cancelled”.

Commercial Document

Written record of certain aspects of a commercial transaction, such as an order, commercial invoice, shipping or transport document, certificate of origin.

Commitment to settle payment

The delivery of payment information to the party delivering the services (the carrier). It triggers the preparation and delivery of the clearance request based on the payment information from the Agreement (the Order). It is identified with the CommitmentID.

Digital Signature

Digital code (generated and authenticated by public key encryption) which is attached to an electronically transmitted document to verify its contents and the sender's identity.


Deviation from the intended performance or behaviour, from accuracy or correctness.


Payment that is facilitated through virtual wallet, where the paying party has deposited funds and the payee is receiving the payment from the wallet rather than the party committing to the payment.

Failure Reason

Describes the reason why a request for clearance cannot be performed and effectively the clearance is rejected or the requested action, such as cancelling the clearance, failed.

Fund Transfer

Money moved from one financial account to another.

Funds Transfer Account

Predefined account where the funds are being transferred to or taken out from.

Funds Transfer Method

Defines how the funds were paid to the payee or paid by the payer.

Funds Transfer Type

Characterizes how the selected method was executed.

Net Clearance Amount

Amount agreed to be cleared in the Agreement between the two parties to the Agreement. It is obtained from the Commitment in the Agreement​.

Non-Settled Amount

Amount of the Net Clearance Amount in the individual clearance that remains to be cleared.


A uniquely identified record of the agreement of one party with another to receive products and services under specified terms and conditions. Order supports the sale of a flexible range of airline products and services that are not necessarily journey based (e.g. subscription services).


An organized structure set up for a particular purpose, such as a business, government body, department, charity, or financial institution.

Clearance Payee

An entity (person or organisation) that money is paid to or should be paid to. This is the party receiving funds as a result of the clearance process. The Clearance Manager transfers money to this party’s bank account.

Clearance Payer

An entity (person or organization) that gives someone money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred. The party paying funds as a result of the settlement process. This party pays money to the operational account of the settlement platform to clear claims against itself.

Payment Approval

Authorization delivered by the provider of EasyPay services confirming that the required funds have been secured from the payer. It is the authorization given by IATA supported vendor like EasyPay, where the settlement is process by IATA.

Payment Brand

Indicates the procedure for the payment of goods or services. It shows the Clearance Manager how the funds will be remitted and currently there are two options either BSP or EasyPay.

Payment Commitment Date and Time

Indicates when payment is considered successful and the sale confirmed by ORA.

Payment Information

Information related to the settlement of a transaction through monetary or other compensations. In distribution standard Orders, the presence of Payment Information implies a commitment to pay.


A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.

Processing Instructions

Information related to the processing options.

Reconciliation information

Information provided for the purpose of reconciling funds received with accounting entries.

Clearing Process

Freeing from debt, i.e. turning the promise of payment (for example, in the form of electronic clearance request) into the actual movement of money from one account to another.

Clearing Date

Date, as per Clearance Schedule, when payment must be made by Remittance Payer (aka Remittance Date) or to Settlement Payee (aka Settlement Date).

Clearing ID

Identifier provided by the Clearance Manager to identify the movement of money.

Remittance Date

Means the Clearing Bank's close of business on the latest date by which the Agent's (Seller’s) remittance must reach the Clearing Bank or, in cases where authorised by the Passenger Sales Agency Rules, the value date on which the Clearing Bank draws cheques on or debits the Agent's (Seller’s) bank account.

Remittance Payer

The party paying funds to perform remittance.

Settlement Date

Means the date on which BSP Airlines are credited with money due. This is the bank value date of the funds transfer performed by the Clearance Manager to the Settlement Payee.

Settlement Payee

The party receiving funds from settlement.

Clearance Manager

Manages the Clearance Platform and works with the banks of the Clearance Payer and the Clearance Payee to complete the remittance and settlement activities. The clearance manager delivers reconciliation information to the Clearance Payee and pursues payment discrepancies by the Clearance Payer.

Clearance Schedule

Defines the time for the activities related to the payment and transfer of funds.

Total Amount

The sum of the amounts of the next lower hierarchical level items that are being aggregated.

Travel Agency

A private retailer or public service individual that provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as activities, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, travel insurance, and package tours.

Value Date

The date on which funds are available for use.

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