

1. Carrier in the role of Offer Responsible Airline (ORA) or supplier

The organization which carries the passenger, baggage, or goods, and/or commits to delivering the carriage as well as any related services such as issuance of traffic documents, creation of Order, etc. In the clearance process this can be the Offer Responsible Airline (ORA) in charge of creating the Order. ORA receives the payment information, confirms the payment method and terms and receives the payment commitment from the Seller. As of release 21.3 the supplier could receive the optional clearance related data based on the payment commitment. Then the Carrier in its role as Offer Responsible Airline initiates the Clearance by sending the request for clearance to the Clearance Manager with or without the clearance data received during the payment commitment.

2. Seller (Agent) or Retailer

Interacts with the customer and after customer confirmation requests from ORA to create the Order. It collects payment information and payments and makes payment commitment to ORA and agrees with ORA on payment method and terms. As of release 21.3 the retailer, in addition to the payment information, has the option to provide the related to the payment information clearance data.

3. Clearance Manager

Manages the Clearance Service and works with the banks of the Remittance Payer and the Settlement Payee to complete the remittance and settlement activities – collecting the funds from the remitting party and instructing payments from its operational account to the bank of the payee. The clearance manager delivers reconciliation information to the Settlement Payee and pursues payment discrepancies by the Remittance Payer. The Clearance Manager receives Clearance instructions and processes them accordingly. The Clearance Manager will collect the funds from the remitting party and then will instruct payments from its operational account to the bank of the payee in order to settle the amounts as per the Clearance instructions.

4. Clearance Payer or Remittance Payer

The party in the clearance process who makes the payment of funds equivalent to the agreed amount​.

5. Clearance Payee or Settlement Payee

The party in the clearance process who receives the funds equivalent to the agreed amount.

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