18.2 Release Notes

18.2 Release Notes


Consolidation of FareRules and OrderRules Message


There are currently two sets of messages which can be used to return the rules of an Order. The FareRules message pair returns filed fare rules for a given routing, while the OrderRules message pair return the terms and conditions of a given Order. Proposal is to consolidate the functionality into a single message pair "RulesRQ/RS" which would be able to return either Filed Fare rules, or free text Offer/Order Rules (functionality as it is today). A vote was taken by the Offers Group which passed to consolidate these two messages into one.

Decommission of Baggage Charge and Allowance Messages


The NDC restructuring group had updated the AirShoppingRS message in 2017 with BaggageAllowance/Charges information at the Offer level in order to integrate the functionality from these messages into the Offer management messages. This proposal intends to take this work a step further by removing duplicate functionality and encouraging implementers to use the shopping messages as a way to satisfy the baggage requirements. Offers group voted to decommission BaggageAllowanceRQ/RS and BaggageChargesRQ/RS Messages.

Decommission of Baggage List Message


During Baggage restructuring discussions in 2017, it was suggested that BaggageListRQ/RS be merged with ServiceListRQ/RS as the messages serve similar functions and maintain similar structures. Offer Group voted to decommission the BaggageListRQ/RS messages while ensuring the RQ functionality from BaggageListRQ exists in ServiceListRQ.

Decommission of File Retrieve and Customer Input Messages


The Customer Input and File Retrieve messages have limited usage in implementations today. Offers Group voted to decommission CustomerInputRQ/RS and FileRetrieveRQ/RS NDC Messages.

Decommission of Ticketing Messages


Ticketing information exists in both the Order messages as well as separate ticketing messages in NDC. Over the last three years, we have seen limited use of several of the ticketing messages, mostly due to the fact that the functionality already exists in the NDC Order messages (e.g. ability to retrieve ticket history, display ticket information, etc.). Orders Group voted to decommission AirDocDisplayRQ/RS and AirDocHistoryRQ/RS NDC Messages

Currency Code Alignment


Schemas are not consistently using the correct acronym to symbolize currency. To change CurCode to "Cur" as per the standard vocabulary.

Removal of Description ID


The description ID in the ServiceDefinition should not be mandatory as there is no corresponding link and therefore it should be removed as it is not needed.

Removal of Media ID


The Media ID field in the Service Definition is not linked to anything and therefore should be removed. It has no reason to exist.

Unused ticket as a form of payment


Agents today, especially those in the United States or Canada, can in some cases pass the number of an unused ticket from a cancelled Order as a form of payment towards a new booking.

Payment Card Data Transmission in Distribution cleanup


Amend data field names and descriptions by using the wording commonly employed in the card industry, in order to avoid creating confusion for the schema user. Remove data fields that are not relevant at Order level because they refer to the response the airline has received on a card authorization request.

Support of 3D Secure authentication flow


Additional authentication may be required for some credit cards in internet transactions. If the credit card provided at payment time is enrolled for the 3D-Secure (3DS) process, a redirection to a bank's Access Control Server (ACS) is required to perform the user authentication and validate the payment. This step will capture additional security data that need to be transmitted to the merchant. This is 3DS 1.0

Enhancement of schemas following the ONE Order Pilot Review Feedback


This CR is to cover the enhancements on the ONE Order Messages Schemas, proposed during the 2017 OOPRT review under the ONE Order task force

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