24.1 Release Notes
OPWG Change Requests
TSSWG-12 OPWG-15 - Annotation and codeset update
Release Notes
Annotation Update for 3-D Secure
OAWG Change Requests
TSSWG-11 OAWG-1 - Add time stamp on service level
Release Notes
Added new time stamp at Service level in accounting messages (OSIN & OSIADN)
OOWG Change Requests
TSSWG-1 OOWG-8,9 - Missing elements in OCN
Release Notes
Resolved defect caused by elements which were missing when compared to the commontype Order structure used in OrderViewRS. Missing elements were re-introduced into the OCN and OrderHistoryRS:
OrderID at Notification level
DeliveryStatusCode at Service level
In addition, all elements within New and Old structures have been reset to optional, to restrict the sending of elements to only those that have changed.
TSSWG-2 OOWG-1 - Penalty representation in the orders
Release Notes
Introduced two new structures to assist with complex servicing scenarios which involve penalties and forfeited amounts (e.g. non-refundable amount).
These new Penalty and Forfeited structures have been added at the Order level and are used to ensure visibility on the overall value of the Order at all times, including when there are multiple change operations where OrderItems get replaced by other OrderItems in succession. This ensures Order integrity, as all amounts paid can now match and balance against all values across OrderItems, including Order-level penalties and forfeited amounts.
New references from payment summaries have also been added to allow the dynamic re-allocation of payments to any existing OrderItems within the Order.
TSSWG-3 OOWG-2,6 - Annotation updates
Release Notes
Minor adjustments to element annotations: PaxRefID in Pax structure is directional, now referencing from Infant-on-lap up to the Parent passenger. AllRefundableInd within TaxSummary has been deprecated due to overlap/duplication with other element(s).
TSSWG-4 OOWG-3,20 - Codeset Directory updates
Release Notes
Added new codes to ATSB codeset directory:
REMOVED HOLD VALUE to DeliveryStatus, for cancelled OrderItems which are not yet refunded and for which residual values cannot yet be calculated by the AIrline.
Error code 918 "Payment Time Limit expired.", to allow Airlines to inform Sellers of PTL expiry of OrderItems upon OrderRetrieveRQ.
Adjustments to CHR and CHT codesets to enhance payment redirection functionality and other general payment functions.
TSSWG-5 OOWG-4 - Currency code to be mandatory for all amount elements
Release Notes
All attributes for currency codes have been restricted to mandatory across all monetary amount elements.
TSSWG-7 OOWG-13 - Missing "future" Delivery Status in AddedOfferItem/DeleteOrderItem
Release Notes
Added missing element FutureDeliveryStatusCode from ReshopRS, allowing the airline to provide visibility over the outcome of a servicing operation on the delivery status of affected Services.
TSSWG-8 OOWG-21,27 - IDM in modern airline retailing
Release Notes
Added new optional element "VerifiablePresentation" to the DistributionChain structure, allowing Sellers to include a Verifiable Presentation (as per W3C standards). a Verifiable Presentation includes the message sender's Verifiable Credentials, which are used by the recipient Airline to verify the identity of the sender (as well as provide non-repudiation).
TSSWG-10 OOWG-25 - Adding new taxonomy codes
Release Notes
Added the following new taxonomy codes for services:
Name change
Value store
TSSWG-13 Change cardinality on ExistingOrderItemID
Release Notes
Changed cardinality of ExistingOrderItemID
TSSWG-15 Duplicated RowNumber in different levels in SeatAvailablityRS
Release Notes
Deprecaction of RowNumber in AvailableSeatType
TSSWG-21 ExistingOrderItemID missing in OSIN message
Release Notes
Added optional element ExistingOrderItemID within OrderItem in accounting messages.
Changed multiplicity of element ExistingOrderItemID within OrderedOrderItemType to optional / unbounded (0..n). Change was propagated to all dependent messages, e.g. AccountedOrderItemType in OSIN, or OrderedOrderItemType in OCN and OrderHistoryRS.
TSSWG-31 Missing Cancel/Change Restrictions in OSIN
Release Notes
Reintroduced missing Cancel and Change Restrictions in accounting messages at OrderItem level.