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Who uses the AIDM?

The AIDM and associated methodology is used by all standards groups under the governance of IATA Passenger Standards Conference (PSC)

Since its initial release in early 2016, a number of industry projects have used the AIDM to deliver new messaging standards or align existing standards to the common concepts stored in the integrated model.

The AIDM can also be used by airline industry IT system developers leveraging AIDM contents as a starting point for data definitions while designing and implementing their companies’ IT systems.

What is in the AIDM?

The Airline Industry Data Model (AIDM) methodology defines an agile, model driven approach to building modern data exchange standards under the Passenger Standards Conference.

Many IATA data exchange standards are produced from the AIDM, including those for Baggage, Offers and Orders, Aircraft Load Control as well as Settlement with Orders, with several more in the pipeline.

More details available in IATA.org AIDM

Two AIDM Use Cases

All information in one repository with rigorous and rich inputs and outputs

Want to get involved?

The AIDM and associate methodology is maintained by the Architecture and Technology Strategy Board (ATSB). If you are Data or Business Architect from IATA Member Airline or Strategic Partner and want to take part in integrating new models to the AIDM and evolving the modeling methodology, join your peers in ATSB groups on the IATA Standards Setting Workspace.

We are keen to collect feedback about the industry methodology that is helping standards setting move into a modern age.

Alternatively, please contact the ATSB Secretary for more information.

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