Reference to Times
UTC or Local Time
Best practice is to use UTC, following ISO 8601, for all elements unless
they relate to a flight which require the date and time to be returned in the local time of the location of the arrival/departure of that flight
they relate to a document issuance date/time. The Point Of Issuance defines the local time (as per the element ../TicketDocInfo/IssueInfo/IATA_LocationCode)
Examples of Dates, Times and Duration
Format for a Local Time
When specifying a local time.
Format for a Local Date
When specifying a local date.
Format for a Local Date and Time
When specifying a local date and time.
Format for a UTC Time
When specifying a time in UTC, include the Zulu indicator.
Format for a UTC Date and Time
When specifying a date and time in UTC, include the Zulu indicator.
Format for a Duration
When specifying a duration.