20.2 Release Notes

20.2 Release Notes


Offer Messages Document the Elements


The Offer Groups Document the Elements CR (CR147) was implemented where possible, and deprecation tags added for elements to be removed in the future.

Customer Payment Group Document the Elements


The Customer Payment Groups Document the Elements CR (CR184) was implemented where possible, and deprecation tags added for elements to be removed in the future.

Secure Customer Authentication

Support for Secure Customer Authentication using 3DS 2.x was implemented in 20.2.


All deprecation candidates for 20.2 were removed from the messages as mentioned in the Deprecation log on the website. See 20.1 Release Notes for Deprecation Candidates.

Fixed Defects

Removal of Orphaned Types

The messages had lots of Types that were simply unreferenced in the message which were removed. This has no impact on the message itself.

Device Type and Location

19.2 saw the introduction of Device and Device Location in all Request messages, however Device Location was missed in OrderRetrieveRQ in 19.2, so this was added back in.

Marketing and Operating Carrier Codes

In the /PaxJourney/PaxSegment there was a double up of a MarketingCarrierRBD_Code and MarketingCarrierInfo which also had the RBD Code (same for OperatingCarrier). The Offer Group saw this as a bug and removed the MarketingCarrierRBD_Code and OperatingCarrierRBD_Code in favour of the Marketing and Operating Carrier Info elements.

Addition of Gender Code

Missed in 2018, the addition of 'U - Unknown' was added as a bug to the Gender Code Enumeration in messages.

Cardinality optionality updates

The 'Choice' feature in our Airline Industry data Model (AIDM) had an issue within the scripting whereby it made the parent choice element mandatory when it was meant to be optional. We've corrected this scripting bug and changed back to 19.2 cardinalities for the below items:

  • Cabin Or RBD

  • Payer Name

  • Promotion Issuer

  • Service Definition Ref 

  • Flight Associations.

Incoherent Types

We had a few reports of incoherent types which showed some missing elements in types between the messages or elements with incorrect cardinality. For example, within VisaType, the element 'EntityQty' was called different things in different messages.

Baggage Flight Associations

There was an issue in the association of included baggage within the Offer structure which was clarified by the Offer Group and fixed.

Known Defects

IATA_ServiceDeliveryRQ is missing references

To a Service, Passenger and Passenger Segment which has been fixed post Release 20.2 and will be available in the next release.

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