Use of Taxonomy

Use of Taxonomy



This capability allows the Seller to identify a set of products and services returned by the airline using the Airline Taxonomy. The Seller may provide airline taxonomy code(s) to the airline during shopping


This capability allows the Airline to return a set of products and services with associated airline taxonomy codes. The airline may consider the additional offer criteria with requested airline taxonomy codes for its offer construction.


  • None


  1. Seller performs the request for a set of products and services from an airline.

    • Seller could request said products and services based on airline taxonomy codes.

  2. Airline returns set of products and services with associated airline taxonomy codes.

    • Airline may consider the requested airline taxonomy code preferences in offer construction.

Post Condition


  • The airline returns a set of products and services with associated airline taxonomy codes.


  • N/A; airline use of the taxonomy is not mandated at present

Relevant Messages

  • AirshoppingRQ

  • AirshoppingRS

  • OfferPriceRQ

  • OfferPriceRS

  • SeatAvailabilityRQ

  • SeatAvailabilityRS

  • ServicelistRQ

  • ServicelistRS

  • OrderQuoteRQ

  • OrderReshopRQ

  • OrderReshopRS

  • OrderViewRS

  • OrderChangeNotifRQ

  • OrderHistoryRS 

Taxonomy can be used anywhere where a Service is referenced.

Relevant Worked Examples


Certification Link


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