Modification of an Order

Modification of an Order


Modification Types

A modification of an order is either:

  • The replacement or cancellation of existing products and services within an order 

  • The addition of new products and services to an existing Order

  • The replacement, removal, or addition of information relating to passengers or other items not related to products and services within an order

Modification Modes

A modification may occur in three different modes: 

  • Modification initiated by the customer via an intermediary, such as a seller.

  • Modification initiated by the airline 

  • Modification initiated by the customer directly with an airline

Modification initiated by the customer via an intermediary

In this scenario, a customer’s intent to modify an order is communicated via an intermediary such as a seller. The process consists of five main steps:

  1. Validation that an order exists

  2. Simulation of action to modify

  3. Communication of modification offer(s)

  4. Selection & Pricing of modification offer(s)

  5. Confirmation of modification

  6. Pricing of modification offer(s)

The following illustration involves a specific type of order item structure that is associated with an accountable document. This illustration demonstrates the high-level concepts involved in modifying orders and does not imply that offers or orders should or should not be structured in a particular way.

Validation that an order exists


  1. Seller requests details of a specific order XB999A1B1C2D3

  2. Airline responds with the current state of order XB999A1B1C2D3

Simulation of action to modify


  1. On behalf of the customer, the seller communicates: 

    a) An intent to retain a service

    b) A request for modification offers for another service

  1. The airline responds with modification offers that include:

    a) Future status of affected items

    b) A balance to be paid should the offer be accepted

In this step of the illustration, only a single offer is shown. A response may comprise of one or many or no modification offers depending on the original order, airline business rules and any conditions and restrictions associated with the original order items.

Pricing of modification offers


  1. On behalf of the customer, the seller requests a price for a specific offer item OFITM01

  1. The airline responds with a price for OFITM01 including

    a) The price for the original item

    b) The price of the new item

    c) A balance to be paid for the new item

Acceptance of modification offer


  1. On behalf of the customer, the seller provides intent to accept the modification offer including

    a) acceptance of the offer item OFITM01 payment towards the balance to be paid for the new item


For this illustration, payment is provided alongside acceptance of the offer

Confirmation of modification success


  1. The seller returns confirmation of the modification success including

    a) The old order item and its status

    b) The new order item and its status

    c) Any payments relating to the order

Confirmation of modification success


  1. The seller returns confirmation of the modification success including

    a) The old order item and its status

    b) The new order item and its status

Any payments relating to the order

<ChangeGroup> <ChangeOperationGroup> <ChangeOperation> <ChangeDateTime>2022-05-24T09:30:47Z</ChangeDateTime> <ChangeTypeCode>3</ChangeTypeCode> <New> <Order> <OrderID>ORD12345</OrderID> <OrderItem> <DiffPrice> <DifferentialTypeCode>Refund</DifferentialTypeCode> <DiffPrice> <Price> <BaseAmount CurCode="USD">0</BaseAmount> <DueByAirlineAmount CurCode="XSD">100</DueByAirlineAmount> <TotalAmount CurCode="USD">0</TotalAmount> </Price> </DiffPrice> <NewPrice> <Price> <BaseAmount CurCode="USD">0</BaseAmount> <TotalAmount CurCode="USD">0</TotalAmount> </Price> </NewPrice> <OldPrice> <Price> <BaseAmount CurCode="USD">0</BaseAmount> <TotalAmount CurCode="USD">0</TotalAmount> </Price> </OldPrice> </DiffPrice> <OrderItemID>OITM001</OrderItemID> <SellerFollowUpAction> <ActionCode>Accept</ActionCode> <ActionInd>true</ActionInd> </SellerFollowUpAction> <Service> <ServiceID>SCV001</ServiceID> <StatusCode>CANCELLED</StatusCode> </Service> <Service> <ServiceID>SCV002</ServiceID> <StatusCode>CANCELLED</StatusCode> </Service> </OrderItem> <OrderVersionNumber>2</OrderVersionNumber> </Order> </New> <Old> <Order> <OrderID>ORD12345</OrderID> <OrderItem> <OrderItemID>OITM001</OrderItemID> <Service> <ServiceID>SCV001</ServiceID> <StatusCode>CONFIRMED</StatusCode> </Service> <Service> <ServiceID>SCV002</ServiceID> <StatusCode>CONFIRMED</StatusCode> </Service> </OrderItem> <OrderVersionNumber>1</OrderVersionNumber> </Order> </Old> <ReasonCode>100</ReasonCode> </ChangeOperation> <OrderVersionNumber>2</OrderVersionNumber> </ChangeOperationGroup> </ChangeGroup>

Modification Initiated by the customer directly with an airline

The interaction of an airline’s direct channel is out of scope of this documentation but may follow similar steps to those defined above.

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