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Data Exchange Standards Release Package

This page provides access to the last Technical release for the Data Exchanges Messages Standards in XML and API


Following section highlight the main changes for the release publication package, this is an augmented version from the previous release publication, if you need more information on that content, do not hesitate to send a request to our mailbox


Latest Release Cycle 24.3

Standards Release package 24.3 has been delivered in Sep 2024 and have following content:

  • Update Payment Method with new optional data element “AlternateCardNumberText” for Indian Mandate – RBI Tokenization

  • Update IATA CodeSet Library with new code 806 in category 1225 to identity Group Deposit

see details in

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name24.3 ATSB - Ballot Briefing.pdf

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name24.3 Version XML & API

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Version XML & API

IATA Data exchanges messages standards for Release Cycle 24.2 delivered end of June 2024 with the main changes:

  • Update AIDX Schema with reference annotation to a CrewInfo Qualifier (DOW Category)

  • Update of Semi-Permanent Schema (AHM565) IATA_LoadControl_SemiPermanentDataNotifRQ with a revised set of data elements

  • Update minor revision of Digitalization of Admissibility Schema to make optional the Face biometric data in DG2 and correction of invalid comma in technical schema (JSON) files.

  • Update of IATA CodeSet Library with new Code “No Show” in Category 1229 and removed it from 5387

See more details in

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name24.2 ATSB - Ballot Briefing.pdf

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name24.2 Version XML & API

View archived Data Exchange Standards for previous Releases

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XML & API Standards


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name24.3 Version XML & API

Standards Release package 24.3 has been delivered in Sep 2024 and have following content, see details in

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name24.3 ATSB - Ballot Briefing.pdf

  • Update Payment Method with new optional data element “AlternateCardNumberText” for Indian Mandate – RBI Tokenization

  • Update IATA CodeSet Library with new code 806 in category 1225 to identity Group Deposit


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name24.1 Version XML & API

Standards Release package 24.1 has been delivered in Mar 2024 and delivered following content, see details in

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name24.1 ATSB - Ballot Briefing.pdf

  • Update IATA_SlotSchema with additional details for Broken Constraint with sub-element of the FailuretranstionalItem

  • Update IATA NDC Schema messages with few minor updates and 2 major updates related to the new Penalties structures and addition of Airline Digital Identity structure in Distribution schema to validate

  • First release of IATA Verifiable Credential Schemas for Digitalization of Admissibility for Customer Travel Documents, suc as Passport, ePassort, Visa and Digital Travel Authorization

  • Update IATA CodeSet Library with new codes in categories 7365, 9890, 9321, CHR and DELIVERYSERVICE

Note to Offer and Order Implementers:
Standards release package 24.1 contains same messages as defined by NDC distribution as 21.3.6.


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name23.1 Version XML & API

Standards Release package 23.1 has been delivered in Mar 2023 and includes 2 changes Request from SLOTX group to be consistent with SSIM manual (2023) with additional information available in the Slot Information Operational messages.

  • CR (SLOTX 1) Update Slot Information with Requested Routing Origin/Destination (IATA_SlotCommonTypes)

  • CR (SLOTX 2) Update Slot Information with Additional Availability Criteria Seat Count

View the CR details and the schemas updated for this release in this spreadsheet : 

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name23.1 Release Note Changes Requests and Fix by Releases.xlsx


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name22.4 Version XML & API

Note to the implementers
Standards release 22.4 has been delivered in Dec 2022 and includes 2 changes Request + new Code set category (FQQ = Fuel Quantity Qualifier) + 3 defects from baseline 21.3 for Offers and Orders messages.

  • CR (190) from Load Control Group for the Semi-Permanent Data Message with new elements from DOW configuration  

  • CR (191) from Operational Fuel Notification Group for the Fuel Notification Message with new elements for Fuel Quality


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Note to the implementers:
22.3 Release has no Changes on Data Exchange Standards Messages from previous Release Cycle 22.2 (except few updates on codeset Library) 


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Note to the implementers:
Standards release 22.2 has been delivered in Jun 2022 and includes a single change on the IATA_InterlineOfferRQ Schema to add “DistributionChannel" structure into the root node .  
View schemas affected for this release in this spreadsheet : 

View file
name22.2 Release Note Changes Requests and Fix by Releases.xlsx

Please use this build for the latest schemas released.


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name22.1.3 Version XML & API

Note to the offers and orders implementers:
Standards release package 22.4 has been delivered in Mar 2022 and includes the latest fixes related to Offer & Order messages critical issues for 21.3 baseline.  
Update release package as 22.1.2 to includes a minor correction within the Baggage and Passenger Conformance messages to add a missing end tag in the comment section, and a minor correction on the message IATA_TicketGroundHandlingChangeOfStatusRQ.TicketDocument.CouponInfo to remove a duplicated reference to CompanyID in the same node 
Note to the settlement with orders implementers:
Update release package as 22.1.3 includes a typo in the annotation of the namespace for schema “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRS”, which refers to the “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRQ” in the namespace. Please note that this misprint has no consequence on the structure of the “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRS” schemas, which correctly refers to the Common Types used for all SwO schemas in the data structure “IATA_PaymentClearanceCommonTypes”


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name21.4.2 version XML & API

Standards release package 21.4 has been delivered in Dec 2021 and includes some changes on Schedules SDEX schemas to add new "Passenger Health Information"  PaxHealthText and amend existing annotation for the SecureFlightInd.
Update Release package as 21.4.1 to include some patches applied within the Offer & Order messages. Please use this build for your upcoming convergence release.
Note to Settlement with Orders Implementers:
Update Release package as 21.4.2 to include a typo in the annotation of the namespace for schema “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRS”, which refers to the “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRQ” in the namespace. Please note that this misprint has no consequence on the structure of the “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRS” schema, which correctly refers to the Common Types used for all SwO schemas in the data structure “IATA_PaymentClearanceCommonTypes”


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name21_3 AIDM Export XMI

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nameInvalid file id - 9d072c79-6597-4ffd-a94d-bffbd146ee15

Note to Offer and Order Implementers:
Standards release package 23.1 has been delivered initially in Oct 2021 and includes first version of interline schemas for Offers and Orders Requests, new API (JSON) for Common use web service for Passenger Boarding pass validation, deletion of 3 schemas OrderCancelRQ/RS and InvReleaseNotifRQ and also included many changes related to Offers and Order schemas to create new 21.3 Baseline for Offers and Orders.

Update Release package as 21.3.1 in Jan 2022 to include a minor patch to remove key/keyrefs which were incorrectly causing some validation issues. The data model has not been changed. The intention is still to maintain the integrity of IDs which will be defined in the implementation guide.
Update Release package as 21.3.2 in May 2022 to include some (critical) patches applied within the Offer & Order messages. Please use this build for your upcoming convergence release.

  • Defect EASD-298 Non-alpha PTCs not supported

  • Defect EASD-299 Communication and use of "Connection Preference"

  • Defect EASD-300 Spelling mistake in element SeatAvailabilityCoreRequest

  • Defect EASD-303 Point of sale parameter is missing from OrderRetrieveRQ

  • Defect EASD-304 AirlineProfile design needs updating

  • Defect EASD-305 AgeMeasure removed from PaxType

  • Defect EASD-311 OrderItem/Service Status codeset issue

  • Defect EASD-312 SelectedOrderItem annotation issue
    Note to Settlement with Orders Implementers:
    Update to Release package 21.3.3 in Jul 2022 to include a typo in the annotation of the namespace for schema “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRS”, which refers to the “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRQ” in the namespace. Please note that this misprint has no consequence on the structure of the “IATA_PaymentClearanceCancellationRS” schema, which correctly refers to the Common Types used for all SwO schemas in the data structure “IATA_PaymentClearanceCommonTypes”
     Update to Release package 21.3.4 in Dec 2022 to include 3 new defects into the baseline 21.3 of Offers and Orders Messages as defined below: 

  • Defect EASD-321 for Fix Correction of OSIADN to a Baseline configuration 

  • Defect EASD-333 for Fix Correction of "Owner code" from mandatory to optional at OrderItem Level in OrderRequest element

  • Defect EASD-319 for Fix Correction of Six Digit "IIN” back to shopping and pricing messages 

Update to Release package 21.3.5 in Apr 2023 and include 3 new defects into the baseline 21.3 of Offers and Orders Messages, while the schema affected are used for Order Accounting purpose only

  • Defect EASD 289 - Update ServiceStatusChangeNotifRQ (SSCN) is no longer a lean message 

  • Defect EASD 322 - Align Accounted Order and Ordered Order in OSIN and OSINAD Messages  

  • Defect EASD 323 Add "Price Difference" Capabilities to Internal Values in OSIN and OSINAD Messages

Please use this build for the latest schemas released 


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name21.2 version XML & API

Release Standards package 21.2 has been delivered in Jun 2021 and include some changes on the IATA_AIDX FuelCommonTypes & IATA_AIDX_FlightLegNotifRQ schema messages to correct a minor defect introduced with 21.1 where density units were incorrectly implemented, and addition of digital signature (eDisg) 


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name21_1 AIDM Export XMI

21.1 XML and API Standards Messages
Release Standards package 21.1 has been delivered in Mar 2021 and include new Offer and Order XML schema "IATA_OrderQuoteRQ" for order reshop / order price, new technical architecture to share common types elements accross Offers and Order schemas with file named as "IATA_OffersAndOrdersCommonTypes", amend "IATA_BagEventNotifRQ" with new "Containerization Status Code",minors enhancements to the AIDX schemas (IATA_AIDX_CommonTypes & IATA_AIDX_FuelCommonTypes) to clarify Fuel activity and new code set updates.


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name20_2 AIDM Export XMI

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nameInvalid file id - 8b665a8d-8391-4f73-82b7-8156901d08d6

Release Standards package 20.2 has been delivered in Oct 2020 and include new Settlements with Order Schemas (IATA_PaymentClearingNotifRQ, IATA_PaymentClearingListRQ/RS), new AIDX towing messages (IATA_FlightLegLinkGroundMovementRQ/RS), new API(JSON) for NDC IATA_EasyPay Direct Authorization and few changes for Offer and Orders Messages  


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nameInvalid file id - ae52a087-d764-4cb1-800a-31000b81a367

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name20.1 version XML & API

Release Standards package 20.1 has been delivered in Jun 2020 and include first schemas for Settlement with Orders (PaymentClearanceListRQ/RS, PaymentRemittanceListRQ/RS, PaymentSettlementListRQ/RS, PaymentClearanceCancellationRQ/RS), new API's (JSON) for API 1 for Agent Validation and API 2 for Real Time Sales Monitoring and API 3 for Transparency in Payment, and few changes for Offers and Orders Messages and Baggage schema , minor correction of Load Control AHM565 Message and minor update on legacy message for SXSG and AIDX Fuel Data Standard message. 


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name19 2 XML and API Standards

19.2 includes new schema for Ground Operation for Aircraft Registration (IATA_OperationalAircraftRegistrationNotif) and some enhancements on Offers and Orders schemas, minor updates on the Baggage and Load Control schemas (AHM565) and minor changes on legacy Slot/Schedules Schemas (SXSG)


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name19 1 XML and API Standards

19.1 includes new schemas for Product Flight Availability (IATA_DailyFlightAvailabilityRQ/RS, IATA_SeamlessAvailabilityRQ/RS), some enhancements on Offers and Orders schemas, minor updates on the Baggage and Load Control schemas (AHM565) and decommissioning of AirDocIssueRQ Message.


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name18_2 AIDM Export XMI

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name18.2 XML and API Standards

18.2 includes new schemas for One Order first baseline for Offer and Orders (IATA_UpdateServiceNotifRQ, IATA_ServiceStatusChangeNotifRQ, IATA_ServiceDeliveryRS, IATA_ServiceDeliveryRQ, IATA_ServiceDeliveryNotifRQ, IATA_OrderSalesInformationNotifRQ, IATA_OrderClosingNotifRQ) and enhancements on existing schemas (IATA_OrderListRQ, IATA_OrderRetrieveRQ, IATA_OrderViewRS, 

Order RulesRQ/RS, AirlineProfileNotif/RQ/RS, AirDocIssueRQ, Acknowledgement, OrderChangeNotif), some changes on legacy XML messages on Ticketing, Baggages and PNRGOV and minor correction of the Load Control (AHM565) Schema.


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